
The paranormal regions which were founded by Ivan T.Sanderson which he named Vile Vortices are believed to be the portal to other dimensions. On Analyzing these 10 regions, these regions seemed to be left out with abnormal structures which leads us to question and think about the paranormality. Moreover, it is further believed that these regions on connection act as a portal to one another which clearly states that, vanishing from one region leads to the upturn in another region which is also a region under Vile Vortices. Of these 10 regions, 5 lie above the equator, and 5 lie below the equator. How could it be exactly separated? Does the fade of objects lead to extra-terrestrial (alien) beings? or Is it due to simple magnetic field disruption? Let us visit these portals and travel dimensions. 

Deeper Dive

Zingh Empire

This fascinating empire has its place located in Algeria, which is in North Africa, the people of Zingh empire are said to be the pre-historic humans who lived and this civilization built the burial ground which appears to be in abnormal infrastructure leads to the question of how this architecture was made possible without recent technology while there is still less possibility of constructing this structure. The mystery about this place is that when a plane enters this region it (i.e., above this burial ground) it gets vanished without leaving a clue for suspicion. Moreover, on nearing to this place the compass behaves corrupted with alarms blaring on all electronic systems. Apart from this, on addressing the passengers who travelled closer to this region were said to have experienced anxiety. Due to this reason, this remains one of the most mysterious places in the world.


This place played vital to the development and growth of the Indus Valley Civilization in 2500 BC located in Pakistan. A well-known place from our childhood and we would have wondered how this astounding architecture and civilization has grown at 2500 B.C. The people of this civilization were seen dead all at the same time still l as a mystery, on other hand, some predict these mass deaths were due to natural disasters while some say this may be due to the ruthless rule of a king who ruled Mohenjo-Daro at that time whereas others say that downfall fall of Indus Valley Civilization is due to curse of the saint who lived at that period. Even though there are several theories predicted, there is no exact reason of how the people who lived there left dead at the same time.

 The loyalty island

This island is located towards the east of Australia which meets frequent cyclones. It is said that an island has completely disappeared due to one of the cyclones. This remains a mystery how an island that is not affected by other cyclones has been vanquished by a specific one. Irrespective of this mystery many other scientists have undergone research and found that the ancient maps show the exact location of this loyalty island whereas the recent maps do not show any evidence of this island exists. The majority say that the ancient map is faulty stating that there is no proof or witness or any clear evidence of this island ever existed. While others still believe the cyclones were the cause. This remains an unsolved mystery. 

The Bermuda Triangle

Comprised a triangular region that includes Bermuda, San Juan, and Miami. At different ages in the 19th century two ships named Rosalie and Ellen Austin. The ship Rosalie went through this triangular region and came out successfully without any damage but as a twist, the crew members within the ship has been disappeared. On the other side of the coin, the government has decided to send a rescue team with Ellen Austin, but the result is the same as expected (i.e. the crew members have vanished). Nevertheless, after this incident, numerous ships and planes hauntingly faded. Till today it has been recorded with the disappearance of hundreds of planes and ships will never end until there is a full stop to this mystery. People say that this region has a wormhole that is directly connected to other dimensions stating it as a “Gate to Underworld” whereas some scientifically believe that there may be the release of an enormous amount of methane which makes it foggy, in turn blinding the sailors and crew members getting deviated leading to accidents. Even though it is scientifically acceptable, the parts of planes and ships and never been found to the present date this remains a mystery.

Dragon’s Triangle

Like Bermuda Triangle, the planes and ships entering this region fade out hauntingly leaving no clue for suspicion. This dragon triangle is located on the coasts of Japan. On exploring further archaeologists found an abandoned city deep inside the sea below this region. People believe that this cursed city swallows the transports travelling across this region. Even though it is not believed by people, the government of Japan has abandoned this sea route, due to increased cases of mysterious vanishing.

South Atlantic Anamoly

Holding the regions of South America’s east coast disrupts the satellites that float over this region which in turn causes a malfunction in its electronic system. In further experiments, it is noted that the astronauts flying over this region getting completely hallucinated. On raising this as a question globally, the majority say that this region has a direct link to another dimension. Apart from this, scientists have proven that this region has a weak magnetic field which leads to electronic malfunctions. Whatever the theory states it is considered one of the strongest regions yet remains a mystery.

Easter Island

Holding almost 900 Moai statue carved by the Rapa Nui clan holds the unknown fact that each and every statue is almost weighed 90 tons and these statues were not carved at the same place where it is located but it is carved and transported through boats from the region which is a 1000 mile away. How could it be possible that of transporting a 90-ton weighed structure during the ages of 1400 to 1650, when there is still no technological growth for migrating these gigantic sculptures remains a question? Some say that this may be due to the work of extra-terrestrial beings but still, there isn’t a specific theory which proves it, left behind an unsolved mystery.

The Wharton Basin

Located in the west of Australia this Wharton Basin lies at the lower end of the Indian Ocean and is seeming to experience a high number of earthquakes. On questioning the researchers about this issue, they addressed it as it may be due to the clash of tectonic plates which is a normal theory. Later after continuous earthquakes the researchers went through intensive investigation and found there is never a sign of tectonic collision leads to the question that what may be the cause of these frequent earthquakes. In addition to that, the planes moving across were seen to be faded without leaving a mark. Scientists have come out with the proven fact by the detection of faulty magnetic lines which leads to instability but still, these scientists have no answer for vanishing planes over this region. Due to this reason, this place remains one of the strangest parts.

Great Zimbabwe

An ancient civilization with 20,000 people who disappeared on a single day without leaving a clue leaves a question that how these people dissipate at the same time. On gazing through this region none came out with a clear explanation of whether they are being attacked or it was just rumour spreading through. Thus, this region still remains a mystery.

Hamakulia Volcano

Located on the Hawaiian island believed to be one of the strangest volcanos which exhibit mysterious powers. Researchers came out with the fact that this volcano produces the strangest electrical activity, and this may be the reason for radar malfunction over this region that disrupts the detection of planes over this region. The cause of this high electrical activity remains unanswered.


Thus, on research, it is found that these 10 regions when organized create an electrical abnormality that leads to the strangest activities. Scientists have come out with the solution that the combined activity of tectonic plates, drastic weather changes, and changes in air pressure may be the cause of these paranormal abnormalities which were later named PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION.