In this miracle filled universe, we are encountering new serets everyday. Every mystery makes us fascinated and prompts us to reflect. Let us dive through the mysteries and explore the puzzles that humans have created.

Viking Ulfberht Sword

This sword is one of the most fascinating inventions that human has Vikings bought this during ancient times. It is “Like pulling Teeth” to take them down because Vikings are demonic and aggressive by nature. This ruthless weapon named Ulfberht sword has been employed by these Vikings. Firstly, due to enourmous nature and flexibility of the sword the researchers were astound. You could wonder what draws you in. Even though we are living in the 20th century, highly equipped with types of sophisticated machinery still humans are unable to build the strongest sword with such flexibility. Here, we come to know that Vikings use a precise formula by combining the right amount of carbon to the metal required. This combination has left unfound to date.

Ulfbert Sword

Photo by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

The Rat King

To be more precise in understanding, imagine a group of 5 to 10 rats knotting thier tails together making a circle, where they perish instantly from starvation unable to move. Even though many different theories are stacked by people all over the world in such a way that this incident often happens in the cold regions, the reason multiple rats tangle tails together to produce heat and the gums produced in the tails of the rats which later left untangled and these mice are starved to death. As of this writing, this catastrophic incident remains unknown.

The Whale Rock

Located in Thailand by the mountain ranges and is sorrounded by the dense forest, gets its name from the sight of three gorgeously swimming whales. The mystery that lies here is that it is impossible to locate a structured and smoothened rock elsewhere in the globe. The rumors spread by the locals who stay there states that these objects are not rocks but rather the fossil remains of the extinct beasts. Another group of people state that the tribes who live there have constructed these humongous rocks to add beauty to nature. However, researchers came out with a different theory that, as these rocks have been located in the rain forest, continuous rain would have made these rocks completely smoothened but this theory is not considered as an exact solution.

The Piri Reis map

This is the age of satellite based map which will be entirely updated with only a click. But consider: without any recent innovations how could one’s rough sketches represent a precise map. This is what the researchers thought until they found the Piri Reis map. The exact pointing of each location which was predicted in 1813 amazed the researchers. At this period, were there any navigational aids? Has the continent which is presently named Antartica discovered? No, is the response. Despite of all these outcomes, Antartica was not yet been discovered by mankind until 300 years from the year the map was predicted. Furthermore, The method used to draw this map is Mercator projection, to follow this method one needs a chronometer, but this equipment has come into play only after 250 years from the year this map was drawn. Is there any mysterious tool that was present at his period? There is no clear answer to this query.

Ulfbert Sword

Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash


While many of these mysteries remain unsolved, it is a vital practice to acknowledge that these mysteries do not alway produce a tidy conclusion. Moreover, unsolved mysteries also push and insist on the importance of continued efforts to seek a solution. Thus, these mysteries invite us to push our limits, creating a challenge to uncover the hidden truth.