Hi, I’m Ranjith Kumar Raja R, and I’m electrified that you’ve found a way to Mystery Unsolved.

I designed this blog out of my unquenchable passion for knowing the impeneterable mysteries. The word is filled with inspiring places, cultures and incredible mysteries and its marvels that are yet to be discovered. Throughout this blog, I aim to inspire the readers with mystical treat.

I’ve spent almost a decade in exploring over mysteries that were left abandoned from West to East and from Nort Pole to South Pole. My research has not only ignited my sense of intrication but also deepened my understanding of the world’s beauty. My goal is share and intract my knowlege through this blog making it more engaging, adventurous and fulfilling.

At Mystery Unsolved, I’m commited in proving the most accurate and up-to-date information from the researchers and scientist. The contents of this blogs are thoroughly researched and focused not only on the spots but also on bringing out the hidden gems buried under it.

Join this adventure as we dive deep into the past, by subscribing to our contents, following us on social media and sharing your knowledge with me. Together, we can create a global network and learn from one another.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Thank you for being a part of this adventure, ADVENTURE AWAITS.